What to Do if Your Partner Has Erectile Dysfunction

If your partner has trouble achieving or maintaining an erection, it may be difficult not to take it personally. You might worry they’re not attracted to you, that you’re doing something wrong or even that they’ve been unfaithful. None are likely true, as

Fenwa Milhouse is the star of ‘Dr. Down Below’

Dr. Down Below, starring Fenwa Milhouse, premieres on Wednesday, April 5, at 10 p.m. ET on TLC following the Dr. Pimple Popper Season 9 premiere. Dr. Down Below is a one-episode special titled “From the Waist Down,” but we wouldn’t be surprised if TLC orders more episodes if it’s successful.

Be Well: Destigmatizing Conversations Around Sexual Health

One of Chicago’s top urologists Dr. Fenwa Milhouse joined Cheddar News this week to help viewers find their comfort in discussing areas of health revolving around the often taboo private parts. She opened up the conversation by discussing some of the most common occurrences she experienced while treating patients, including leaky bladders, lump and bumps, […]