During and after menopause, many women complain of a decrease in libido (sexual desire) and/or painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness. There are multiple strategies that you should consider to help you with these common complaints and improve your overall sexual wellness during this stage of life.
Over-the-counter personal lubricants can help alleviate vaginal dryness during intercourse, making sexual activity more enjoyable.
Improves the overall quality of your vaginal lining and increases self-lubrication by the vagina.
Some women experience a decrease in libido due to the decline in estrogen and resulting menopausal symptoms (i.e hot flashes, poor sleep, mood changes, etc). Hormone replacement therapy with estrogen in the form of pills or patches most commonly can help alleviate these symptoms safely in appropriately selected patients – getting you feeling more like yourself and more interested in sexual activity.
Can increase sexual desire in some menopausal and postmenopausal women who experience low libido. This can be done safely with careful monitoring of side effects.
Regular exercise can increase energy levels, and improve your mood and your overall sense of well-being, boosting your libido.
Menopause can be an opportunity to explore new sexual experiences and new ways to be intimate with your partner.
Menopause can bring about emotional and psychological changes that are distressing and get in the way of experiencing sexual intimacy. Talking to a therapist is a great way to address these concerns.
Remember, you are not alone in this. Down There Urology has specialized care for your sexual health concerns. We can provide you with personalized guidance and treatment options.
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